Spay: Is a procedure for female cats and dogs where the vet removes the uterus and ovaries.
Neuter: Is a surgical procedure where the vet removes the testicles of male cats and dogs.

The life expectancy of spayed or neutered pets is longer
The life expectancy of a neutered male dog is 13.8% longer. For spayed females, it’s even longer — 26.3%. On average, the procedure adds over a year to the animal’s life. Dogs without it live about 7.9 years, whereas spayed and neutered ones live 9.4 years.
The numbers are even more drastic for cats. Spayed females have a 39% longer lifespan, and neutered males — 62%.
Humane Animal Control
In six years, it is possible for one female dog and her offspring to produce 67,000 puppies. Unfortunately, if you don’t spay or neuter your animals, you could add to the growing stray animal problem in Pohnpei. Cats are a more significant issue than dogs. In seven years, one female cat and her babies can produce a staggering 370,000 kittens.
Don’t get us wrong — we love kittens. Who doesn’t? They’re adorable. But we know that most of these kittens will be strays. They become a nuisance, are unwanted and can kill native wildlife.
Dogs that aren’t spayed or neutered have a much higher chance of being aggressive and volatile. They’re likely to attack other animals on the street. These attacks can result in severe injury, infection, or transmitting diseases. Without treatment, these animals die a slow and painful death.
Spayed and neutered animals are less likely to roam.
Animals that roam in packs may present a threat to people walking or exercising along roads
80% of pups hit by a car are un-neutered, which links to their desire to roam and mate.
90% of cats killed on US roads aren’t neutered or spayed. When it comes to hormonal urges, animals do what their bodies tell them. And they tell them to find a mate come hell or high water.
Reduced Chance of Some Diseases
If a female is spayed before the first heat cycle, she has significantly decreased chances of mammary gland or ovarian cancer.
Neutering also removes the risk of testicular cancer.
Unwanted Behavior
Spaying and neutering can reduce unwanted behaviors like weeing, spraying, and aggressive tendencies.
Facts and Myths Around Spaying and Neutering
Spaying and neutering doesn’t change your pet’s personality.
Hormone levels will indeed change when your pet gets neutered. But that only eliminates bad behaviors like spraying, roaming, and aggression.
Historic spay and neuter facts and statistics show that the procedure won’t make your pet overweight. Pets get fat from incorrect diets and no exercise.
Some vets do the procedure on feral animals as early as six weeks of age. You shouldn’t wait either. Spay and neuter your animals before they reach sexual maturity.
These procedures are incredibly safe and common for vets to perform. Don’t overthink it. It’s the responsible thing to do as an owner.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is neutering cruel?
The short answer is no. And you can find countless arguments against spaying and neutering, but as we said, the pros outweigh them. We understand that everyone wants the best for their animals. But if you cannot take care of all the babies, you should spay and neuter your animal.
Do vets recommend neutering?
Absolutely! But we can’t put a blanket statement on all animals. Always speak with your vet about the best possible treatment for your pets. Still, most do recommend spaying and neutering. They’re on the frontline and see how animals suffer on the street.
What is the best age to neuter a dog?
Dr. Joseph recommends minimum age for dogs as 6 months and cats 5 months.